I have established this web-page to spread the news about the various endeavours that I'm involved with, such as my death-rap - project Der Torso, my dark electronic compositions titled The Invisible War (Ego=God, Black Dragon Division), essays and articles on subjects related to the Third Side, psychology, philosophy, magic, etc. I have contributed a number of essays to different magazines, mostly to The Devil's Diary and have hosted a radio-show on Radio Free Satan a while ago.
Samstag, 16. März 2013
VASCA-Playlist on Youtube
This is a Youtube-Playlist containing some of the most powerful musical expressions of the VASCA.
Freitag, 15. März 2013
Review: Tier Instinct - Vol. 3 R.I.P. Tier Instinct

Donnerstag, 14. März 2013
VASCA Radio - Episode 25

Join VASCA Radio for the 25th anniversary show on Radio Free Satan. Your hosts welcome the VASCA Agents and friends of the shows of past. Many offer their thoughts and perspectives. Hosts Prometheus and Tier Instinct welcome Warlock Zoth Ommog to the VASCA Studio. We discuss his work as senior Editor of Old Nick Magazine, Fangoria Magazine and his many contributions to Death Metal. On we delve and ask the good Warlock about his newest band, Danse de Sade and air their powerful track, Bourbon & Serpents. Our pranks of the week offer a grimacing smile and Tier Instinct takes on the movie review. Your hosts share their own tracks and reflect over 25 amazing shows on Radio Free Satan. Look for some new formats and a few changes and keep the V.A.S.C.A. in high demand!
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